Grief in Motherhood


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Our society likes to focus on the happy parts of motherhood, but the fact of the matter is, mothers experience a lot of grief in the postpartum period.

Grief isn’t always about losing someone close to us. Grief can also look like:

Losing a part of yourself

Losing your freedom

Longing for a relationship you wish you had

In this week’s episode motherhood wellness expert Alyson Hempsey and women’s health expert and pelvic floor physical therapist Dr. Marcy Crouch, are chatting about what grief in motherhood looks like and means for them. Alyson discusses her own struggles with grief when she returned to work after her son was born. Marcy reflects on things she could have done differently during her postpartum periods. If you are experiencing grief, know that you are not alone!

And, in case you missed it last week…Alyson also gives us a second dose of her incredible Professor Mcgonagall impression, NBD. 

Be sure to join us every Wednesday for new episodes of No Mama Left Behind. We share a variety of topics related to motherhood, pregnancy, the postpartum period, recovery, mental health, vaginas, and everything in between!

Do you have a birth story you’d like to share? Email us at and we will read it on air!


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